Sunday, November 1, 2009

BIG MONEY small money

In rich dad poor dad, they mentioned that, purchasing assets that generate wealth should come before repaying debts. that i agree, but i think when talking about debts, there's a distinction between debts and bills. Bills are necessities you'll need to pay for your daily living.

hmmmmmm.... being in the finanicial industry, i'm seeing a better picture on finance and interests. if i dont pay my singtel bill on time, they will charge me additional $5 for late payment. $5 dont really seems to be alot, but taking into consideration that my monthly subscription is only $7, its an additional 70%.

When you stop seeing small money as money, no matter how much BIG money you earn, will only be going to paying things that make other ppl rich. When you stop seeing where your money goes properly, you'll just lose all of it.

Make it a conscious effort to track your financial status properly.
If you cant pin point it, at least just try to keep of record of all the things you're spending on, no matter how big or small. even a Old Chang Kee currypuff of $1.20. from there, cultivate the habit of keeping track of your finances.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

27th Oct 2009

Another 18 days to go before its the deadline for my 3rd month's target.
If i fail to hit the targetted API, i'll be taken out of the EP package.

Hmmm.... for the coming 18 days, i'll give it all my best. if by 15th i do not hit the target, i might have to reconsider carrying on selling insurance on a full time basis.

I'll still sell insurance on a part time basis, but just that, i dont have enough time and money to concentrate on that solely.

Of course, Kok wah will prefer me to be doing it full time, but if i dont even have enough to cover my living expenses, shrug, too bad. unlike what he might think, i dont have any form of savings to lean back on, so i dont have the luxury of slowly getting income.

I foresee that insurance is something i wan to be doing long term, but i'm just not currently financial equiped to do so.

Current Financial Status:
Insurance Premiums - 4k+
Singtel/Singnet bills - just paid
M1 bills - 80+, might incurr $150 for number porting to Singtel
Debts - 3k+
Prudential - 4k, if i get taken out of the EP package.

Road to Success

Smith was driving along the countryside one day and realised that he was lost. Looking ard, he saw a farmer standing in his field. he drove up to him and tried to ask for directions.
"excuse me, does this road leads to the city?"
"All roads leads to the city." the farmer replied
Thinking that he might have asked Wrongly, he rephrased his question.
"Does this road goes to the city?"
"This road wont be going anywhere, it will still be here tomorrow"
Thinking that the farmer dont understand him, Smith tried for the third time.
"Will this road take me to the city?"
"This road cant take you to the city, you'll have to take yourself there."
Smith got angry.
"You're just trying to get in my way to the city rite?!"
"I'm not stopping you. You're the only one in your way."
Giving up on the farmer, Smith continued on his way.

Confucius: It does not matter how long, how slow you take, as long as you do not give up til you get there.

Press Ctrl + A to see the hidden messages.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

4th Oct 2009

Starting to realise some changes in me after a comment by a friend.

He said that now i seem more confidence and purposeful compared to last year.

After joining Prudential, i start to learn more about goal setting, financial knowledge.

Recently, i'm getting a very strong insight into different levels of financial status. my dad didnt seems too happy about my current choice of work. hmmmm... not that i wan to disappoint him, but i wanna break through and go up in financial level.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9th Sept 2009

Made some changes to the way i look.

Keeping my hair longer.

Bought my first pair of ties and learn to tie a tie.

Put on black socks instead of white.

Throw away my old haversack, replacing it with a sling bag. stopped carrying the small crumpler as a side pouch.

All these are part of my attempt to become more professional.

trying at the same time to change my mindset.
to think of time in periods of years.
to think of money pay out in per annual.
to think in amounts of ten thousands.
To think of myself making all that money.

What you can touch, you can get.
What you can visualise, you can realise.
What you can dream, you can fulfill.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

21th July 2009

Passed my CHI paper. meaning i'm allowed to sell most insurance products.

Only short of M8 for selling investment linked products.

Meanwhile, had gone through the interview with Prudential. will be confirmed once i passed my PSA level 1.

Friday, July 10, 2009

3rd July 2009

Pass my M9 paper.

So now i can start selling insurance that are not health related.

Only CHI to go before i can do that.

At the same time, will need to start taking classes for PSA.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Passed Driving

Passed driving yesterday.

Hmmm... to me, its a variety of jobs opportunity being opened.

Taxi driver, Delivery man. blah blah

Thursday, May 28, 2009

25th May 2009

Passed my M5 paper. first step towards selling insurance taken.

Will be taking some time to list out certain things here.
debts, assets, liabilities, income.

The first step to solving the problem is realising there is a prob.

Monday, May 11, 2009

12th May 2009

After finally finishing the book, Retire Young Retire Rich from Rich Dad series, i think it will be good for me to keep a financial blog to re-affirm myself.

By putting my dreams and wishes into "black and white", i'll be giving them body and substance to grow upon.

May God guide my path.